
Join us for an insightful webinar where experts from The Bouverie Centre describe new research on improving support for women at the intersect of family violence and Victoria's criminal justice system.
Discover policy and practice implications to promote the protective factors for women involved in the criminal justice system who have experienced FV. This project has been supported with funding from the State Government of Victoria.


  • Prof Jennifer McIntosh (Clinical and Devlopmental Psychologist, Family Therapist, Director of The Bouverie Centre) — The Bouverie Centre
  • Dr Zoe Cloud (Psychologist and Research Fellow) — The Bouverie Centre

Eligibility criteria

This webinar is intended for lived experience advocates in the family violence and/or justice reform sector, workers in the mental health, allied health or family violence sector (particularly those delivering family violence programs to women in the criminal justice system), and relevant stakeholders from the Victorian Government.

Categories: Capability 7 - Understanding and responding to family violence, Capability 10 - Delivering compassionate care, support and treatment, Capability 11 - Promoting prevention, early intervention and help-seeking, Capability 12 - Supporting system navigation, partnerships and collaborative care
Disciplines: Lived Experience Workforce, Other
Levels: Intermediate
Lifespans: Adult

Tuesday 25 June 2024
13:30 to 14:30
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Specific location and venue confirmed by provider upon registration.


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Provided by The Bouverie Centre
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