
Many adults express challenges when talking in families, particularly with children, about sensitive topics such as mental health and mental illness However, there is evidence that children do better when given age appropriate information about what is happening in their family, and that these conversations can strengthen family relationships and promote family recovery. Young people have consistently reported they would have found it useful to have more explanations about what was happening with their parent. After two successful 'supper series', this interactive workshop will offer perspectives from children, young people, parents and family members about safe and useful ways to have these conversations that explore the beliefs, behaviours, and relationships in the context of mental illness in families, with the focus on when it is a parent who experiences the mental health challenge. A range of tools and strategies will be shared and practised and concepts of family recovery will also be explored.

This event will cover:

  • Knowledge about impact on children and families when a parent is living with mental health challenges
  • Increased understanding about principles of providing information to children and young people in their family context
  • Increased confidence in applying these principles in practice
  • Awareness of relevant tools and resources to assist families


  • Rose Cuff — The Bouverie Centre

Eligibility criteria

Mental health service users, families, practitioners.

Categories: Capability 9 - Delivering holistic and collaborative assessment and care planning, Capability 8 - Working effectively with families, carers and supporters, Capability 10 - Delivering compassionate care, support and treatment
Disciplines: Allied Health, Lived Experience Workforce, Medical, Nursing
Levels: Introductory, Intermediate
Lifespans: Child, Adolescent, Youth, Adult

Wednesday 11 September 2019
18:00 to 20:30
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Specific location and venue confirmed by provider upon registration.

$10 Consumers and family members;

$35 Workers

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Provided by The Bouverie Centre
For further information contact

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