
Do substances and mental health mix?

This course is great if you:
- Are keen to learn about the connection between substances and mental health
- Would find it helpful to hear lived and professional experiences of supporting and managing substance use
- Are open to explore and challenge assumptions around substance use and addiction

We’re going to think about the emotional, physical, cultural and societal ideas around drugs, alcohol and what it all means in relation to mental health (without the stigma and judgement that often comes with talking about these experiences).

Through sharing a variety of lived and professional experiences, we explore ways to have compassionate conversations around drugs and alcohol, whether you are facing your own challenges, or supporting or working with someone who is.

This course will open up a conversation about some of the tools and strategies that have helped people in managing and supporting addiction.

In our courses, you’ll hear story and theory from our facilitators with lived and professional expertise. There will be discussion, interactive activities and a lot of breaks too.

This event will cover:

  • The connection between substances and mental health
  • Lived and professional experiences of supporting and managing substance use
  • Challenge assumptions around substance use and addiction


  • Joe Muro (Clinical Lead / Senior Occupational Therapist) — discovery college / Mobile Assessment and Treatment Team - headspace Early Psychosis
  • Justin Kent (Recovery Educator / Lived Experience) — discovery college
  • Jayden Fisher (Recovery Educator / Lived Experience ) — discovery college

Eligibility criteria

Our courses are free and open to everyone. You simply enrol via the link provided.

Categories: Capability 6 - Understanding and responding to substance use and addiction
Disciplines: Allied Health, Lived Experience Workforce, Medical, Nursing, Other
Levels: Introductory
Lifespans: Child, Adolescent, Youth, Adult, Older Persons

Wednesday 17 July 2024
10:00 to 13:00
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Online via zoom

Specific location and venue confirmed by provider upon registration.
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Provided by Discovery College
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