
Effective leadership means being able to perform under pressure. Understanding and managing yourself is key to managing and leading the team. This course will help you build your confidence and leadership presence as you explore the core competencies and attributes of leadership and identify your areas of strength and opportunities for development.

Learning outcomes include:

Build confidence, communication skills and leadership presence
Learn how to manage reactive emotions when work feels stressed and frenetic
Increased awareness of leadership styles and tips on how to adjust your leadership and personal styles for greater impact on team performance
Understand the principles of high performing teams and strategies to engage and motivate others
Understand the principles for creating a psychologically safe work environment
Operational management; setting goals, KPIs, unit budget process; FTE and leave management and managing variances
Understand the blocks to team success
Apply a simple framework for feedback conversations.

Please note: This course is currently scheduled to be delivered face to face at ANMF Victorian Branch, 535 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne. Face to face delivery is subject to change dependent on the COVID-safe conditions and restrictions in place on the course delivery date.

Categories: Capability 14 - Embedding evidence-informed continuous improvement, Capability 13 - Enabling reflective and supportive ways of working
Disciplines: Nursing
Levels: Intermediate, Advanced
Lifespans: Youth, Adult, Older Persons

Tuesday 8 August 2023
09:30 to 16:30
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Tuesday 15 August 2023
09:30 to 16:30
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Specific location and venue confirmed by provider upon registration.

Member $400, Non-member $550, Job Rep $380

Register online
Provided by Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation (ANMF)
For further information contact

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