
Single Session Work (SSW) describes a model of service delivery that acknowledges the likelihood that many clients will access a service only once or twice. This approach makes the most of each encounter with clients by treating each contact as though it may be the last, while laying the foundation for ongoing work, if required.

This workshop introduces the aims, practice principles, and techniques of SSW. Participants learn a range of skills associated with SSW, and explore implementation strategies for various service settings.

This event will cover:

  • Describe the history, philosophy, and practice principles of the SSW approach
  • Explain what SSW is, and what it is not
  • Describe various applications of SSW ideas
  • Identify indications and contra-indications for using SSW
  • Develop a plan for implementing SSW in their service setting


  • Naomi Rottem — The Bouverie Centre

Eligibility criteria

Professionals, including counsellors, therapists, case managers, team leaders or managers interested in understanding and/or applying a SSW approach either in their individual clinical practice or as a treatment modality within their agency.

Categories: Capability 9 - Delivering holistic and collaborative assessment and care planning, Capability 14 - Embedding evidence-informed continuous improvement, Capability 10 - Delivering compassionate care, support and treatment
Disciplines: Allied Health, Lived Experience Workforce, Medical, Nursing
Levels: Introductory, Intermediate
Lifespans: Child, Adolescent, Youth, Adult, Older Persons

Monday 8 April 2019
09:30 to 16:30
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Tuesday 9 April 2019
09:30 to 16:30
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Specific location and venue confirmed by provider upon registration.
Register online
Provided by The Bouverie Centre
For further information contact

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