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Vikki will differentiate Vicarious Trauma & Burn Out from the spiritual and ethical pain that our work engenders when we are unable to provide dignity and social justice with the people we want to be useful to. We'll explore our relationship to a believed-in hope, and resisting patronizing self-care prescriptions to workers. We will also consider a frame for Resisting Burn out that holds clients at the centre, based on how we treat people, and resist pathologizing ourselves and other workers as mentally ill and deficient...and that's going to bring us to The Zone of Fabulousness...Where we resist enmeshment and disconnection, and hold connection, collective ethics and the person at the centre of our work.

Delivery Mode – 2 x 3 hours online - 9am to 12pm


  • Vikki Reynolds (Activist/Therapist) —  

Eligibility criteria

These are free events designed for members of the public clinical mental health workforce in Victoria, (staff employed at Area Mental Health Services, Forensicare or mental health staff from RCH) and lived experience workforces (LEW) working in either public clinical or community mental health state-funded roles. Other workforce in partner organisations, such as AOD organisations or ACCHOs, may sometimes be eligible. Please note, if you do register for an event and it is not clear you are part of the intended audience, your registration will be confirmed two weeks prior to the event start date, or earlier.

Categories: Capability 13 - Enabling reflective and supportive ways of working
Disciplines: Allied Health, Lived Experience Workforce, Medical, Nursing
Levels: Introductory, Intermediate, Advanced
Lifespans: Infant, Child, Adolescent, Youth, Adult, Older Persons

Wednesday 21 August 2024
09:00 to 12:00
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Thursday 22 August 2024
09:00 to 12:00
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Specific location and venue confirmed by provider upon registration.
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Provided by Centre for Mental Health Learning (CMHL)
For further information contact

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