
The Connect and Reflect series was established to support implementation of learning from the CMHL Occupational therapy Education Days. It is a space for OT's across Victoria at all stages of their career to connect and engage in reflective learning and knowledge sharing about aspects of OT practice.

This session will focus on consolidating the knowledge and theory from the Canadian "Collaborative Relationship focused Occupational Therapy" Approach and reflections on how this approach applies to our practice in a Victorian Mental Health context. The CAOT webinar 2: Collaborative Relationship Focused Occupational Therapy will be used within the session to increase familiarity with the theory alongside reflective learning activities that allow us to connect, share and problem solve how we can apply this new learning within our own practice settings.


  • Lara Nikitin (Statewide Mental Health Occupational Therapy Educator) — Centre for Mental Health Learning
  • Phoebe Williamson (Statewide Mental Health Occupational Therapy Educator) — Centre for Mental Health Learning

Eligibility criteria

This is a free event designed for Occupational Therapists working within the public clinical mental health workforce in Victoria, (staff employed at Area Mental Health Services, Forensicare or mental health staff from Royal Childrens Hospital). For example, an OT working in mental health at Austin Health. It is not a pre-requisite to have attended the OT Education Day. Please Note: Please register with you work email address. If you register with a non AMHS email address we will need to contact you to check your eligibility.

Categories: Capability 10 - Delivering compassionate care, support and treatment, Capability 13 - Enabling reflective and supportive ways of working
Disciplines: Allied Health
Levels: Introductory, Intermediate, Advanced
Lifespans: Infant, Child, Adolescent, Youth, Adult, Older Persons

Tuesday 25 June 2024
10:30 to 12:30
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Specific location and venue confirmed by provider upon registration.
Register online
Provided by Centre for Mental Health Learning (CMHL)
For further information contact

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