
Do things like the weather, noises, sounds or smells change the way you or someone you know feels?

Would you like to learn some new ways to look after yourself?

Are you interested in learning how physical environments can impact us?

This course brings people together to explore the relationship between our senses and mental health.

You will have the opportunity to experiment with new options for self-care, and learn how environments and external influences can affect us.

Through hands-on experience, you’ll explore your personal sensory preferences and learn how to work with these to improve your mental health (sensory modulation techniques). The course will also look at how sensory preferences can be very different from person to person, encouraging you to become aware of the sensory profiles of other people in your life.

You will also gain some insight into the science behind sensory modulation and hear practical tips to build your own ‘sensory toolbox’ to promote self-care.

This event will cover:

  • built an awareness of current sensory experiences
  • understood that different sensory inputs affect people in different ways
  • reflected on how what’s happening outside/around a person can influence what’s happening inside them
  • considered different theories about sensory experiences (such as neurological threshold theory and the cups model)
  • considered how the use of sensory choices and strategies (such as a sensory toolkit) might impact well-being


  • Rebecca Cook Hamilton Smith (Recovery Educator / Expert by Lived Experience) — discovery college
  • Noreen Quinn (Senior Occupational Therapist / Recovery Educator) — discovery college / St Kilda CCU

Eligibility criteria

Enrolment is for 18 years and above. Enrolment via website required.

This course runs in two parts! Part A is 1 session long and covers an introduction to the topic. Part B is 3 sessions long and goes into more detail.
You MUST have done Part A to go to Part B. Part B will be offered later in the year.

Categories: Capability 10 - Delivering compassionate care, support and treatment, Capability 13 - Enabling reflective and supportive ways of working
Disciplines: Allied Health, Lived Experience Workforce, Medical, Nursing, Other
Levels: Introductory
Lifespans: Infant, Child, Adolescent, Youth, Adult, Older Persons

Monday 10 February 2020
13:00 to 16:00
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St Kilda

Specific location and venue confirmed by provider upon registration.
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Provided by Discovery College
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