
Partner agencies are coming together to host the first ever lived and living experience workforce development program recruitment expo.

The event is aimed primarily at people that have lived and living experience workforce (LLEW) expertise. It will showcase approximately 25 new roles available across the agencies including project leads, coordinators and lived and living experience educator and research positions.

Agencies will present the work they are doing and roles that are available to apply for. Staff from each agency will also be available to discuss job opportunities throughout the day.

Please note the start time for the online event is yet to be confirmed.

Eligibility criteria

The event is aimed primarily at people that have lived and living experience workforce (LLEW) expertise.

Categories: Developing and sustaining lived and living experience workforces (clearinghouse), Capability 8 - Working effectively with families, carers and supporters
Disciplines: Lived Experience Workforce
Levels: Introductory, Intermediate, Advanced

Friday 2 September 2022
10:30 to 16:00
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Specific location and venue confirmed by provider upon registration.
Register online
Provided by Mental Health Victoria
For further information contact

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