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Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) focusses on changing maladaptive forms of thinking and/or behaviour. It comprises a range of cognitive and/or behavioral interventions that for many clinicians have become the psychological treatments of choice for a wide range of mental health issues.

This highly practical and interactive workshop will teach participants CBT skills they can use immediately with clients. Across the day Greg will separately introduce cognitive therapy interventions, and behaviour therapy interventions, giving participants an opportunity to disentangle cognitive from behavioural approaches. With each technique taught, participants will have the opportunity to apply the approach to either a client or a personal issue.

Categories: Capability 9 - Delivering holistic and collaborative assessment and care planning, Capability 10 - Delivering compassionate care, support and treatment
Disciplines: Allied Health, Medical, Nursing
Levels: Introductory, Intermediate, Advanced
Lifespans: Infant, Child, Adolescent, Youth, Adult, Older Persons

Thursday 21 February 2019
09:30 to 16:30
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Specific location and venue confirmed by provider upon registration.

There is no charge for training for staff employed by services within the Western Cluster unless otherwise stipulated.
Please call or email with any further queries.

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