
Welcome to 'The Power of Our Story - From Experience to Expertise' the 2024 Family Carer Lived Experience Workforce (LEW) online conference, as we spotlight the essential contributions of family carers LEW within the Victorian Mental Health system.

Join us for an enlightening exploration of the profound impact family carer lived experiences have on shaping the journey from experience to expertise in our discipline.

We’re planning a heartfelt gathering where stories become strengths and we spotlight how family carer lived experiences evolve into expertise.

The conference will amplify our voices while exploring the complexities of working in family carer lived experience roles and provide a safe, shared space to celebrate the resilience, wisdom, and expertise cultivated on this unique journey.

Some of the amazing things to expect on the day, include:

Hearing the stories of leaders in the FC Lived Experience workforce and their reflections and learnings about moving from experience to expertise in the work.
Get to know your colleagues from across the state in fun and easy online activities
Learn about different perspectives within the family carer LEW workforce including; male carers/LEWs, young carers and LGBTQIA+ services
Experience Wayapa® an earth connection practice that is based on ancient Indigenous wisdom that focuses on taking care of the Earth as the starting point for creating Earth Mind Body Spirit well-being
Find out about the final stages of the Family Carer Discipline Framework project
Hear about the tips, tricks and advice, family carer LEWS would have told themselves when they started out



  • Multiple

Eligibility criteria

Registrations are open to all family carer lived experience workforces (designated LE roles) in Victorian publicly funded mental health services, including Mental Health and Wellbeing Locals and Connect Centres.

Categories: Capability 8 - Working effectively with families, carers and supporters
Disciplines: Lived Experience Workforce
Levels: Introductory, Intermediate, Advanced
Lifespans: Adult

Tuesday 25 June 2024
09:00 to 16:00
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Specific location and venue confirmed by provider upon registration.
Register online
Provided by Centre for Mental Health Learning (CMHL)
For further information contact

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