About the training series:

All allied health new graduates and transition to practice clinicians entering the Victorian public mental health allied health workforce are invited to attend a series of half day online training sessions. These sessions will support clinicians to develop foundational knowledge, skills and attributes essential for working in mental health.


All allied health clinicians in their first two years of employment in a clinical mental health role, including; aboriginal mental health trainees, art therapists, dietitians, exercise physiologists, music therapists, occupational therapists, pharmacists, physiotherapists, psychologists, social workers, and speech pathologists.

Allied health educators who are providing support to entry level allied health clinicians are also encouraged to attend.

Students are not eligible to attend. 


Links to register can be found in the below table. Participants will need to register for each individual training session they are planning to attend, signing up for one session does not automatically register you for the whole series.  


CMHL events - cmhl.events@cmhl.org.au 


DateDayTimeTopicPresented byLocationRegister
5th March 2024Tues8:45am - 12:30pmEvent 1: Mental Health and Wellbeing Act (2022)Centre for Mental Health LearningOnlineLink
9th April 2024Tues8:45am - 12:30pm Event 2: Working Together with Families, Carers and SupportersTandem CarersOnlineLink
7th May 2024Tues8:45am - 12:30pm Event 3: Medications in Mental HealthAlfred Health - Psychotropic Drug Advisory ServiceOnline Link
4th June 2024Tues8:45am - 12:30pm Event 4: Culturally Responsive PracticeVictorian Transcultural Mental Health Online Link
13th August 2024Tues8:45am - 12:30pm Event 5: Integrated treatment for People with Co-occurring Mental Health and Substance Use or AddictionSt Vincent's - Nexus Dual Diagnosis Service & Victorian Alcohol and Drug AssociationOnlineLink
10th September 2024Tues8:45am - 12:30pm Event 6: Family Violence**Mental Health Specialist Family Violence AdvisorsOnlineLink
8th October 2024Tues8:45am - 12:30pm Event 7: Working with Lived and Living Experience Workforces**Centre for Mental Health LearningOnlineLink


** Presenters to be confirmed. Topics may slightly vary depending on presenter availability. Dates will not change.