Self-directed online training

Event description

Same-sex attracted (SSA) people (including gay men, lesbians and bisexuals) participate as consumers, carers and workers within mental health services. Mental health workers need an awareness of the issues that SSA people face in order to better understand and support their mental health and wellbeing. This topic briefly discusses the history of discrimination and support exhibited by the mental health system. It touches on specific factors that contribute to SSA people's resilience and provides practical suggestions for making clinical practice and mental health services more welcoming and sensitive to the needs of SSA consumers and their families. The differing experience of some particular subgroups including Aboriginal, CALD, young and older SSA people is also considered.

Categories: Capability 3 - Working with diverse consumers, families, and communities
Disciplines: Allied Health, Lived Experience Workforce, Medical, Nursing
Levels: Introductory
Lifespans: Youth, Adult, Older Persons

MHPOD topics generally take between 1 and 2 hours to complete.

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