
Join us as we showcase work women do to strengthen mental health and wellbeing in their communities.

This full day, in person event, will include dynamic presentations from a variety of community projects, a Q&A session, musical performance, and keynote speakers; Nyadol Nyuon, Sue-Anne Hunter, and Mary Crooks, all captured in stunning detail by graphic recorder Debbie Wood.

Morning tea, lunch and refreshments will be provided throughout the day.

Eligibility criteria

Consumer, carer and community members, mental health practitioners, educators and leaders, and health and community workers with an interest in mental health are invited to register.

Categories: Capability 14 - Embedding evidence-informed continuous improvement
Disciplines: Allied Health
Levels: Introductory

Thursday 26 October 2023
09:30 to 16:30
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Specific location and venue confirmed by provider upon registration.
Register online
Provided by Victorian Transcultural Mental Health (VTMH)
For further information contact

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