
This course will provide practitioners with the knowledge and skills needed to identify and understand complex mental health presentations in adult refugee survivors of torture and other traumatic events to support their recovery.

Content includes:

- recognising complex presentations, signs and symptoms of mental illness and complex post-traumatic stress which are common presentations among survivors of torture and trauma
- understanding the knowledge base regarding evidence-based therapeutic modalities relevant to treatment of the most common mental health diagnoses
- understanding the complexity of social and cultural factors in facilitating engagement with mental health supports.


  • Foundation House

Eligibility criteria

Practitioners providing counselling and psychotherapy, and other professionals working in the field of refugee mental health.

Categories: Capability 3 - Working with diverse consumers, families, and communities, Capability 4 - Understanding and responding to trauma
Disciplines: Allied Health, Medical, Nursing, Other
Levels: Introductory
Lifespans: Adult

Tuesday 16 May 2023
09:30 to 16:00
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Specific location and venue confirmed by provider upon registration.

Early Bird Discount: $330 incl GST

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Provided by Foundation House
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