
The Queer Family Violence Sector Network hosts a series called "Service in the Spotlight", which showcases services and programs that are relevant to the LGBTIQA+ family violence sector, in an effort to build better referral pathways within the sector.

This latest short webinar will feature Drummond Street Services, with a focus on their programs, family violence work, referral pathways and secondary consultations.

Categories: Capability 3 - Working with diverse consumers, families, and communities, Capability 7 - Understanding and responding to family violence
Disciplines: Allied Health, Lived Experience Workforce, Medical, Nursing, Other
Levels: Introductory
Lifespans: Infant, Child, Adolescent, Youth, Adult, Older Persons

Thursday 29 April 2021
13:00 to 14:00
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Specific location and venue confirmed by provider upon registration.
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Provided by Queer Family Violence Sector Network
For further information contact

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