
“Have you been hearing about increases in alcohol use since Covid-19 lockdowns and wondering how we break the habit? Ever found yourself on ‘auto-pilot’ reaching for the fridge and grabbing a beer before really deciding to have an alcoholic drink? Come along to this talk and learn about a new type of brain-training that addresses the subconscious drivers of addictive behaviours, called cognitive bias modification (CBM). Join us to hear about the launch of a brand-new, personalised-CBM smartphone app designed to reduced alcohol craving and consumption that Turning Point & Monash researchers are about to trial”

This talk will provide an overview of the different types of cognitive training and will review the latest evidence for their efficacy in improving targeted cognitive processes and outcomes of relevance to alcohol and drug use disorders. Victoria will focus heavily on cognitive bias modification (CBM) which has shown the most consistent positive effects in terms of reducing relapse among those seeking treatment for substance use disorders. Victoria will present findings from a series of CBM studies conducted at Turning Point, where we have found ‘approach-avoidance’ training to be an effective adjunctive intervention during AOD withdrawal treatment. Importantly, the presentation will highlight priorities for future research efforts needed to bridge the neuroscience-practice gap, and examine how cognitive training might complement existing biological, psychological and social approaches aiding recovery from addiction.


  • A/Prof Victoria Manning (Associate Professor) — Addiction Studies, Monash University

Eligibility criteria

Due to COVID restrictions Talking Point will be a monthly zoom presentation until further notice. Our first online Talking Point will be on Wednesday the 16th of September from 1pm to 2pm.

Turning Point has been inviting local and international speakers to participate in our Talking Point program for the last 15 years. The Talking Point Seminars Series covers a wide range of topics of interest to people in the alcohol and drug sector and beyond. The seminars are intended to be thought-provoking and broadly educational, rather than 'how to' training sessions.

The online seminars sessions go for one hour and are held monthly on a Wednesday from 1pm - 2 pm. Once registered for the online seminar you will be sent a confirmation email with information about how to join the zoom session.

Categories: Capability 6 - Understanding and responding to substance use and addiction
Disciplines: Allied Health, Lived Experience Workforce, Medical, Nursing, Other
Levels: Introductory, Intermediate
Lifespans: Adolescent, Youth, Adult, Older Persons

Wednesday 16 September 2020
13:00 to 14:00
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Specific location and venue confirmed by provider upon registration.

Talking Point is a free seminar series but registrations are essential

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Provided by Turning Point
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