
Introduction to Victoria’s Mental Health Service System (09.30 am – 12.30 pm)

This workshop is compulsory training for all staff who have recently commenced employment in the mental health field in Victoria. The workshop provides an overview of Victoria’s mental health service provision model, and introduces participants to a number of important aspects of clinical service provision. Participants will also be introduced to a large range of specialist state wide services which augment their role, including: the Office of the Public Advocate, Mind, Bouverie, Spectrum, Victorian Dual Disability Service, Nexus, and Orygen.

MHPOD module to be completed prior: Mental Health Service System: The Organisation Service Development

Mental Health Act (1.30 pm – 4.30 pm)

Victoria’s Mental Health Act 2014 replaced the previous 1986 legislation and incorporates significant changes to the way in which mental health services are provided in Victoria. While the concept of least restrictive care is still valid, there are important subtle differences that staff of mental health services need to know. In addition, staff need to know about new components such as Nominated Persons and Advance Statements.

This seminar describes the legislation on which all mental health service policy and procedures are based and must comply.

MHPOD module to be completed prior: Legislation and Mental Health Practice
International and National Mental Health Policy

Categories: Capability 14 - Embedding evidence-informed continuous improvement, Capability 13 - Enabling reflective and supportive ways of working
Disciplines: Allied Health
Levels: Introductory
Lifespans: Infant, Child, Adolescent, Youth, Adult, Older Persons

Thursday 14 March 2019
09:30 to 16:30
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Specific location and venue confirmed by provider upon registration.

There is no registration or other fees to attend this training for staff of the mental health services of the NEVIL cluster hospital networks or their affiliated mental health community support services (MHCSS). There is a fee of $60 per person per day for all other participants (including and not limited to non-mental health hospital staff, community centre staff, local, state and federal government staff, private practitioners, school and education sector staff etc). This payment is by cheque (payable to St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne) or cash only – no credit card – payable on the day.

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