
Emotional CPR (eCPR) is an educational program designed to teach people to assist others through an emotional crisis by three simple steps: Connecting, Empowering and Revitalizing

eCPR is based on the principles found to be shared by a number of support approaches; Trauma-Informed Care, Counseling after disasters, Peer Support, Emotional Intelligence, Suicide Prevention, and Cultural attunement. It was developed with input from individuals who have learned how to recover and grow from emotional crises. They have the wisdom to inform this process by the grace of first-hand experience.

The Connecting process of eCPR is heart to heart and involves deepening listening skills, practising presence, and creating a sense of safety for the person experiencing a crisis.

With eCPR we do not strive to fix, judge, advise, or empower someone else, but rather by seeing others as strong and whole we create conditions that allow us to all be empowered.

In the Revitalizing process, people re-connect with their vital centre, feeling a sense of renewed energy, vitality, and/or sense of groundedness.

Participants will learn how to:
* Reframe crisis as opportunity
* Learn the importance of taking care of themselves so that they can support others
* Facilitate the other person’s access to inner wisdom
* Encourage the people they serve to take steps in the direction of their dreams
* Inspire motivation and change
* Help others tap into their courage and power


  • Oryx Cohen (Chief Operating Officer ) — National Empowerment Center, USA
  • Helena Roennfeldt (Lived experience researcher and academic) — Central Queensland University, RMIT and Griffith University
  • Neil Turton-Lane (Manager NDIS team) — VMIAC

Categories: Developing and sustaining lived and living experience workforces (clearinghouse), Capability 10 - Delivering compassionate care, support and treatment, Capability 4 - Understanding and responding to trauma
Disciplines: Allied Health, Lived Experience Workforce, Medical, Nursing, Other
Levels: Introductory
Lifespans: Youth, Adult, Older Persons

Wednesday 3 April 2019
09:00 to 16:00
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Thursday 4 April 2019
09:00 to 16:00
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Brunswick East

Specific location and venue confirmed by provider upon registration.
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Provided by VMIAC
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