
We are bringing together people from AOD, Homelessness and Mental Health Services to explore our interconnected work; reflecting on shared themes and shared intentions, as we vision meaningful collaboration.

The day will be spent discussing and reflecting on service users perspectives on navigating our service sectors, along with visioning what meaningful collaborations can look like. Beyond the barriers, we will be focusing on our points of connection, as we work to centre our individual and collective practice on lived experience, service user perspectives, skills and approaches that can support enhanced participation and cross sector integration.

The workshop is guided by the voices and stories of people and communities with lived experience.

Be prepared for a forum that engages your creativity and offers an opportunity to reflect on shared approaches to practice and service delivery.

Eligibility criteria

We welcome practitioners, designers, leaders and service users from AOD, Homelessness and Mental Health Sectors to join us in our explorations together.

We are seeking engagement from diverse participants and invite you to be in touch with us regarding any specific access and inclusion needs or resources you may require.

Categories: Capability 6 - Understanding and responding to substance use and addiction
Disciplines: Allied Health, Lived Experience Workforce, Medical, Nursing, Other
Levels: Introductory, Intermediate
Lifespans: Youth, Adult

Tuesday 12 November 2019
09:15 to 16:00
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Specific location and venue confirmed by provider upon registration.

This workshop is funded by the North Western Melbourne Primary Health Network

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Provided by VAADA
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