picture of the word project on a purple and orange background

About the Lived and Living Experience Workforces Projects

CMHL is working together with 9 other agencies on a number of exciting projects funded by the Victorian Government, Department of Health. These projects are designed to support lived and living experience workforces (LLEWs) in mental health, alcohol and other drugs, and harm reduction services. Collectively this work is called the Lived and Living Experience Workforce Development Program. You can read more about these and other Department LLEW initiatives here


CMHL is thrilled to be leading work on the following projects:

Training for non-LLEWs  

  • Introduction to consumer and family/carer perspective supervision - This project will develop and deliver training about Consumer and Family/Carer Perspective Supervision for people in clinical or operational roles (non-LEW) who manage and support the lived experience workforces in mental health services.
  • Introductory training about lived and living experience work- This project will develop and deliver introductory training about lived and living experience workforces for non-lived and living experience workers (e.g. clinical staff) from Victorian-funded public clinical mental health services, public community mental health services, and the Alcohol and Other Drug (AOD) sector.  

Training for LLEWS  

  • Training to support LLEWs – This project will develop and deliver cross-discipline topics for introductory training for all lived and living experience workers in mental health, alcohol and other drugs, and harm reduction services.
  • Introductory training for family/carer lived experience workers - This project will develop and deliver introductory training for mental health family/carer lived experience workers working in publicly funded mental health services.

Training for organisations  

  • E-Learning modules to support organisational readiness- This project will identify priority topics and develop and deliver e-Learning modules to support organisational readiness to employ lived and living experience workers.

Sharing policies and resources to support LLEWs  

  • LLEW organisational policies and resource bank clearing house - This project will develop an online space for sharing resources and policies to support lived and living experience workers.  Project Lead - Dave Barclay  
  • State-wide LLEW Educator Support - This includes support for and a community of practice for LLEW Educators.


Access to Supervision - This project provides consumer lived-experience workers or family/carer lived-experience workers the opportunity to access and find a suitable discipline-specific supervisor. 

LLEW Supervision Workstream Coordinator - The workstream coordinator reports to the Department on LLEW supervision updates from CMHL, VMIAC & Tandem.


CMHL Lived and Living Experience Workforce Projects team: 


picture of a group of people working on a project

Contact for more information: llews.projects@cmhl.org.au 

Photos by Jason Goodman & Octavian Dan on Unsplash


Updated on 02/11/23 01:53 pm Share this page

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