
The impact of early psychosis is traumatic for young people and their families. The diagnosis of a psychosis can be stigmatising for families and they can subsequently feel burdened, stressed and overwhelmed. Evidence suggests that family work can enhance family involvement and support during the recovery phases, reduce rates of relapse, readmission to hospital and enhance adherence and engagement with services whilst also reducing family/carer burden and stress.

This workshop will use multimedia and interactive formats, and include didactic elements, case studies, skills-based work and provide participants with an opportunity to practise family work skills in a safe learning environment.

At the completion of this workshop you will be able to:
• Articulate the purpose and rationale of family work in treatment with reference to the Pyramid of Family Care (Mottaghipour & Bickerton, 2005).
• Identify where family work fits in to a young person with psychosis treatment plan.
• Discuss challenges and constraints that may arise when implementing family work with this complex client group.
• Engage families early on in the treatment of their young person.
• Develop and implement family work with young people with early psychosis within a collaborative framework, in which the clinician, other members of the treating team and the family work in partnership.
• Practice family work skills in safe learning environment


  • Karen Smith (Senior Occupational Therapist/Lead Family Work Clinician) — Orygen Youth Health
  • Liz Wynne (Senior Social Worker/Family Therapist) — Orygen Youth Health

Categories: Capability 8 - Working effectively with families, carers and supporters, Capability 10 - Delivering compassionate care, support and treatment, Working with infants, children, and younger persons
Disciplines: Allied Health, Lived Experience Workforce, Medical, Nursing, Other
Levels: Introductory, Intermediate
Lifespans: Adolescent, Youth, Adult

Thursday 14 November 2019
09:15 to 16:00
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Specific location and venue confirmed by provider upon registration.

The ESW Services training is FULLY subsidised for Clinicians employed by the Victorian Government Mental Health Service. If you are not a Victorian Government Public Mental Health Clinician, you are welcome to attend training to develop skills for working in the area of First Episode Psychosis. Workshop cost is $220 per full day of training.

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Provided by Orygen Clinical Training
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